New Products - Expansion Bellows

New Products - Expansion Bellows

As part of our push to expand our products we have been building on some of our existing lines, the most recent being our Expansion Bellows.

Valves Online can now offer a full range of expansion bellows to fit a multitude of applications including WRAS approved expansion bellows and high-temperature expansion joints.

Expansion Bellows

Expansion Bellows or Rubber bellows are the ideal solution for absorbing noise and vibration from pumps, chillers and other reciprocating equipment. Proven in service for over 30 years the product range is available in variety of elastomers including the popular EPDM and Nitrile. Comprehensive stocks are held for all installation lengths and flange drillings. All products are supported by technical data sheets and installation instructions.

Expansion Joints

Expansion Joints are designed to eliminate the problems associated with thermal expansion and provide a cost-effective solution when expansion cannot be accommodated by using the natural inherent flexibility of the pipe. Expansion bellows are manufacture in accordance with

thermal expansion and provide a cost-effective solution when expansion cannot be accommodated by using the natural inherent flexibility of the pipe. Expansion bellows are manufacture in accordance with the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association (EJMA) and are available in both standard stock production or bespoke designs.

Pipework anchors & guides

Pipework anchors & guides are designed to accommodate the forces and provide the restraints to control the movements generated by thermal expansion. They are designed to complement Expansion joints ensuring the perfect engineered design. With our vast knowledge of expansion Joints and the loads they impose on pipework systems we can provide a solution that best suits your installation and budget.

Common Applications

Rubber Bellows are primarily used on pumps, chillers, and other reciprocating machinery to reduce noise and vibration. They are a critical part of any pumping system as they provide the flexibility necessary to absorb system movements associated with vibration. Rubber bellows are also known as rubber expansion bellows and have the capability of compensating for small amounts of axial, lateral and angular pipework movement and therefore makes them suitable for small installation misalignments. However, rubber bellows should not be used like a metal expansion joint to compensate for thermal pipe movement and for these types of application we would always recommend a specifically designed stainless steel expansion joint.

Rubber bellows are an important part of any heating or chilled water system and should be inspected regularly as part of a maintenance program and consideration given to keeping a number of spares to reduce the risk of long term shut down.

Expansion bellows and Joints

Features of bellows

Absorb Axial movements (extension and compression).
Axial movement is the change in dimensional length of the bellows from its free length in a direction parallel to its longitudinal axis.

Absorb Lateral movements.
Lateral movement is the relative displacement of one end of the bellows to the other end in a direction perpendicular to its longitudinal axis.

Absorb Movement.
Movement is absorbed and the rotational displacement of the bellows and twisting of one end of the bellows is reduced.

Reduce Vibration and protect equipment.
Rubber expansion joints reduce vibration caused by equipment

Dampen Noise.
Rubber expansion joints tend to dampen the transmission of sound because of the steel-rubber interface of joints and mating flanges


• Power generating stations

• Oil & gas

• Desalination

• Cooling systems

• Pumps

• Chemical plants

• Heating, ventilating and air conditioning

• Shipbuilding

• Off-shore applications

• Water treatment plants

• Sewage

• Sanitary piping systems

• Pulp and paper plants

• Piping systems for chilled or hot water

• Cooling systems power generation

View our full range of Expansion Bellows HERE ►►
